With a smile that can captivate any room, and a heart that follows the rhythm of the ocean, Harmony is the ultimate Abysse girl. We caught up with Harms as she enjoyed a warm summer day surfing her home break in our sustainable surfwear pieces.

Tell us about your connection with the ocean.
I live on the coast in Sydney and I couldn’t image not being close to the ocean - it grounds me. I feel most like myself when I am by the sea. I’ve always lived by the ocean and I couldn’t imagine my life without it.
What is your favourite Abysse piece / Why do you love Abysse?
I love Abysse because their pieces are unique and also so so beautiful. I came across the brand on a Free People shoot I did a few years back and have fallen in love ever since! The fabrics and fit of the
swimwear and
surfsuits are incredible. My favourite print is the Coral print. I love it! And my favourite piece to surf in is probably the
Zamba Top and
Hoffman short bikini (in coral of course) because I feel secure and so comfortable in it. I also love the
Pam Rash Guard in Lilac (to be honest I love all of the pieces and it is very hard to choose just one favourite haha… I’d choose them all if I could!).
What characteristics do you think make up an Abysse girl?
An Abysse girl is care-free. All her worries fade away when she is by the ocean.
She lives with a bold confidence and she feels free to be herself, always. The ocean is her safe place; it grounds her. She is bold. She is strong. She is kind. She is beautyFULL. She is her unique self. She knows she is one of a kind and she celebrates the women around her to help them know that they are one of a kind, too.
Tell us about a typical day for you, how do you incorporate the ocean on a daily basis?
Every day looks different for me! I’m so grateful for my work because it has given me the freedom to be flexible and prioritise a balanced lifestyle (which is very important to me). However, it does mean that my schedule is different every week. There are 2 things I make sure I do every day to keep some sort of consistency and routine for myself: Journal every morning and spend time by the water. Whether it is a surf or a swim or a quick walk to the headland to have 5 minutes to breathe in fresh air- I make sure I create the time and space for it. I feel the difference within myself on the days that I do this and the days that I don’t. It creates such a beautiful tone for my day and it really helps to ground me and bring me back to the moment I am in right now.

Is sustainability a big factor for you choosing a brand you want to work with or just style?
Sustainability is super important to me. Whilst I do love style I’ll always opt for the more environmentally conscious option… and lucky for me, Abysse is BOTH! I can really tell that each piece has been made with conscious thought of our environment which makes me happy.
What is a fun fact or story about the ocean that you want to share.
I started surfing at a really young age. I remember trips to Noosa or Hawaii and my dad pushing me on waves as a 5 year old. I grew a deep love for all things to do with the sea and surfing. When I was 15 I stopped surfing (no idea why I did and I wish I didn’t stop!). Fast forward a few years to last year, I had the opportunity to work with a dream client of mine which incorporated surf days. We travelled to a spot off the coast of QLD and spent hours in the surf one morning. I remember so clearly saying to myself “omg why did I ever stop!!! Now I remember why I fell so in-love with it in the first place”.
My husband bought me a McTavish board for Christmas last year and I honestly have got the bug back! I’ve been in the water more days than I haven’t. I’m not the best surfer but I enjoy it so much… and that’s what matters.

Any piece of advice you’d like to add
The greatness of your life’s existence does not depend on how you look - you are worth so much more. You are beautiful in ways the eye will never be able to see. Search within, allow your focus to shift from the external to what truly matters internally, and feel the freedom that comes when you allow yourself to let go, and be your true self.
Harmony Butcher, shot by Jessica Witkamp